Friday, January 10, 2020


My group decided to do our film opening project on the horror genre. I feel that fear is a good way to captivate an audience, and keep them engaged throughout the movie. Suspense is a key factor in all horror movies. Suspense does a good job of keeping everybody on the edge of their seats, waiting for something to happen. I love the horror genre because I can never get bored watching a good horror movie. Some incredible openings I have seen were in the movies US (Jordan Peele, 2019) and It (Andrés Muschietti, 2017).

I was first introduced to the horror genre at a young age-my friends loved watching horror movies, but I was always too scared. However, oddly enough, I really enjoyed reading books in the horror genre. Once I got to high school, I decided to go see my first horror movie, "Get Out" and since then I've had a love/hate relationship with the horror genre. I hate being jumped at, and scared, but I absolutely LOVE the incredible effects and music that go into a horror movie. So nowadays, whenever a new horror movie comes out, I go see it-but I make sure to bring a couple of friends!

The film openings from the two movies I previously stated are the main source of inspiration for how I want my group to approach our own film opening. I want to focus on captivating the audience from the start, and then leaving them wanting more and asking questions at the end. For example, in the film opening for US, a little girl is shown walking on the Santa Cruz pier with her parents, and then wandering off on her own. She went onto the beach, and walked into a hall of mirrors, where she got lost and encountered a little girl who looks exactly like her. Then, the scene cut off. This movie opening left me asking a number of questions: Who is the other little girl? What did she do with her? Where did she come from? The lack of music and dark setting added to the suspense, keeping me interested.

Another example is in the movie It. The movie opens with a scene that sets the mood for the rest of the movie-Georgie's death. Georgie's death was an iconic scene in both the 1990 original and the 2019 remake. Georgie goes outside on a rainy day, and runs alongside his paper boat that he put in running water when suddenly-the boat fell into a sewer. This is where Pennywise's character is introduced, and he bites off Georgie's arm and pulls him into the sewer after tricking him into thinking he'll get his boat back. This movie opening stands out to me because it is a scene that everybody knows all too well, but was done so well with all of the elements of a horror movie that it left the audience wanting more. The dark setting, suspenseful music, and scary effects and character truly made this opening scene terrifying.

Overall, my inspiration came from a culmination of different movies that left me wanting to come back and rewatch it again. It is important to focus on including the elements of the horror genre, but to also keep it unique and suspenseful, so the audience doesn't get bored, but rather excited to see the rest of the movie. This is what I hope to achieve with my group in our movie opening.

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