Sunday, February 23, 2020


We have not finished out filming, due to difficulties in meeting up outside of school. However, we got started on some editing from the clips we did record a few weeks ago. We just organized the clips the way we envisioned, adding the right clip for the right moment. We did a lot of cutting back and forth between characters, and more specifically from a POV and an over the shoulder shot from the villain. We haven't created a title yet, so we didn't use any fonts, or anything of the sort. These pictures are of Zoe working on some editing from home.

Sunday, February 16, 2020


This week, we practiced filming a scene. We were unable to meet up this week to film, but will be doing so next week. We practiced the angles and shots that we want to record to see what we liked and didn't like. This was one of the current scenes, not a flashback, following the fight when Kelly is supposed to be all bruised and bloody. We found that a head-on shot was good for this scene, but we will have to see it with the lighting once we record the real thing. The only downside of this recording session was that we did not get to film the real thing.

Sunday, February 9, 2020


Today, we began filming some of our day scenes. We took videos of Kelly (our actress) doing normal activities, such as buying herself a coffee, walking around, and driving. We filmed scenes of her stalker/the bad guy following her as well. We have also decided to make our villain a girl (Zoe) rather than a boy, as it is more convenient for the group considering we are all girls. We filmed at the Kings Lake Plaza, where there ware plenty of stores and space to make it seem realistic. The lighting was perfect, the sun was out, making the quality very good and clear. The only issue we faced was finding a way to record the actors driving around without being in the way of other drivers. Most of our filming will be taking place at sunset and nighttime, so today we filmed about 30 seconds depending on how we will edit the clips.

Sunday, February 2, 2020


This week in regards to our movie opening, my group and I have discussed actors, props, costumes, locations, and film equipment.  For our actors, we will have a boy and a girl. The girl will be the main character/protagonist, and the boy will play the villain. We have not finalized who our actors will be, however we have a fair idea, and will know for sure my next week. In our film, we will be using a fake knife as our prop, and then several background objects, so that the opening doesn't appear too staged. When thinking about costumes, our group didn't want to go too crazy, once again to avoid making our opening seem staged-so we decided we would use a normal shirt for our flashbacks, and then in the present shots, have it torn up and bloody for the main character. The villain instead, will wear all black. In regards to location, we don't have an exact place, but we'd like to film somewhere dark for a suspenseful effect, and somewhere lighter for the flashbacks. We do not have a specific date when we will be filming either, but we have been working on that. There will also be no script, for we aren't going to include any dialogue, just screaming and the diegetic sound within the opening.
In the background we will also include suspenseful music. Lastly, for filming this opening, we will be using an iPhone 10R and Zoe's cabers, depending on what scene we are filming and what effect we want to get from it.